Wottz EV Portable (Granny) Charger Weatherproof Extension Lead



Wottz EV Portable (Granny) Charger Weatherproof Extension Lead



From £73.33 *
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Only £69.66 with Motoring Club premium

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Wottz EV Portable (Granny) Charger Weatherproof Extension Lead
Wottz EV Portable (Granny) Charger Weatherproof Extension Lead
From £73.33
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Wottz EV Portable (Granny) Charger Weatherproof Extension Lead

Weatherproof - The weatherproof socket's IP66 rating means that it remains watertight, even when subject to powerful water jets from any direction. Unlike any DIY store extension leads which are often sold as 'weatherproof', this lead can be used for prolonged periods outside.

Simple - It simply connects to a UK 13A socket, and enables the granny charger to be extended by 2m to 25m.

Protective - The inline RCD is a life-saving device that is designed to reduce the risk of receiving a fatal electric shock.

This is the only weatherproof extension lead available in the UK with a socket that can accommodate the chunkier 13A plugs now fitted to many EV chargers.

Whilst standard DIY store extension leads are manufactured from plastic connectors and cheap, easy-to-damage 1.25mmsq max PVC cable, these leads are in a different league. They are carefully constructed from 1.5mmsq H07RN-F rubber cable, which is specifically manufactured for harsh environments; its safety and performance under extreme conditions simply cannot be beaten. The IP66 weatherproof socket provides protection even against powerful water jets (so it can withstand even the Great British Weather!) and has proven itself over the years as an exceptionally robust unit.